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Buddies of the Sea, Early Incarnations

Now that my book, The Great Turtle Rescue: Buddies of the Sea, is almost ready to go to print (and because the Stickers are av-ailable for purchase already!) I figured I'd kick off this blog with some of my early concepts with the buddies.

First comes our star, Shelly the sea Turtle! She had quite a few permutations, especially because she originally was going to be a Leatherback Sea Turtle.

The first Sketch..

...And the original colored version.

This version of Shelly was described as looking like a "Scary dinosaur," so I decided the loggerhead was a better choice for her. They are very iconic looking! That doesn't necessarily mean that I didn't have issues designing her at first...

Quite possibly my favorite little doodle ever, honestly... look at this goofy turtle! She looked too simple and silly, though. Still... I think this design is cute.

This one, on the other hand, is fairly hideous. Sometimes you just gotta keep trying!

Another of the buddies that gave me a lot of trouble was Rudy the Redfish. Fish are kind of weird looking to begin with.

Rudy originally had a fisherman's outfit on, which I realize now is a bit messed up. I ended up making him a more childlike, cutesy character like Ollie the Octopus.

Speaking of ollie, he was one of the few designs that didn't change a bit... good job, Ollie!

Bubba the Gator, on the other hand...

...he started out pretty terrible looking...

...As did Clyde the Crab.

I actually had so much trouble with Bubba's design at first, I almost canned the alligator character altogether, and tried to design a caiman character, but...

He turned out looking like a pretentious hipster, which I'm ok with in principle but as far as the story went, I couldn't really figure out anything for him to do. Luckily, I was able to salvage Bubba's design.. perhaps the hipster caiman will appear in another Buddies of the sea tale? Only time will tell...

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